Storage of electricity can make up for grid shortfalls and help when restarting a production installation.
Load balancing
Storage systems are a means of balancing active power injected in the grid by intermittent renewable production sources and to shift energy production from periods of low electricity demand to periods of high demand.
Maintaining or even improving the power supply quality
Storage technologies can be used to adjust grid frequency and voltage, and manage spot grid congestions.
〉 Frequency adjustment: the supply of active power participates in adjusting grid frequency and in the adjustment mechanism.
〉 Voltage adjustment: storage systems absorb and restore reactive power.
〉 Managing grid congestions: storage provides flexibility for the storage of a production overflow at one point that cannot be transported, and to inject a quantity equivalent to that stored at another point. Storage therefore provides a reduction or delay in grid reinforcement investments.
Centralised or decentralised storage units on the distribution grid (combined with a renewable production unit) participate in these grid services. The value of the optimal management of these storage units is at two levels: cost arbitrage, in particular with respect to economic criteria, between the different storage channels (different services to which it can contribute), and the effective supply of these services to power grids. The optimal predictive control logic of ENERBIRD EMS leads to enlightened arbitrations by the use of predictive production, consumption and cost data. ENERBIRD EMS also enables the real-time management of the storage unit connected to the grid.